And here I though that nothing could get me down. I mean, I have pretty thick skin but sometimes I just want to curl up into a ball with a huge tub of ice cream and cry. Yes, I said cry. What 21-year-old wants to cry over edits? Me, that’s who.
No one is mean to me, not in the slightest. Everyone who has critiqued my work so far has been kind, considerate and VERY helpful. Honestly, their insight is priceless. I appreciate everyone for taking out time from their busy lives to help me improve my work. It’s ridiculous how kind people can be.
Still, I open up a file and see the amount of things I need to change, and I want to cry. I want to bawl like a baby and never stop. I want my mummy to come and comfort me. I want to eat a lot of things that are high in sugar, and I never want to look at that darn manuscript ever again.
But I do. Why? I’m not entirely sure. Maybe it’s because my MC is telling me to get my butt into gear. Maybe it’s because deep down I want to be a successful writer one day and I know I can get through this. Taking another look at that list of edits, I realise that I can do this. I will do this.
Sure it isn’t easy. It never gets any easier. The first draft is hard, revising is hard, editing is hard, having other people look at your work is hard. Example: “Oh, fudge! I totally used that word wrong and they noticed. Now they’re going to think I’m the stupidest person alive. Why didn’t I read it through one more time?”
Every part of being a writer is hard, but we still do it. Everyone has their own reasons and each reason is important because when you’re down in the dumps, that reason is what will motivate you to work harder. That reason is what will make you lock yourself in your room and get those edits done so your book gets better.
Remember that reason next time you start doubting yourself. (Most importantly, remember that reason next time you consider eating a whole tub of ice cream to comfort yourself.)
What are your reasons for wanting to be a writer that help you get through the tough times?